Call Us Today! - 770-694-6750 -
Professional Caregivers will visit your home to deliver quality assistance and support through the following programs:
Skilled Nursing
Personal Care Services
Companion / Sitter Services

300 W I Parkway Suite 208
Dallas, Georgia 30132

Phone: 770-694-6750
Fax: 770-818-5720

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Why Choose Us

Top Ten Reasons Why Clients and Providers choose Metropolitan Home Care Nursing Services.

  1. We respond efficiently in a timely manner.
  2. We tailor our care to individual needs.
  3. We understand the definition of flexibility.
  4. We follow through with our plans of care and meticulously follow up to evaluate their effectiveness.
  5. We are a family oriented organization that tackles each situation with a holistic approach, and being family oriented, we understand the importance of family.
  6. We see and treat our clients as family, and develop a personal rapport with each individual to increase quality of care.
  7. With Metropolitan Nursing Services, our clients are our top priority.
  8. We make sure to keep open the communication lines with our clients and families.
  9. We have an unmatched staff consisting of qualified professional personnel.
  10. Not only are we insured, but we are also bonded.